The Life and Survival of An Artist

This is my third and final action project for my Humanities class, Endurance. Throughout this class, each of us had to ask ourselves what our mission in life is, how we can work towards our mission and what are we willing to endure to reach it. The mission that I have decided on for myself is to become a better artist. For me, the next big step after I graduate is to start art school. This project is a survival guide, breaking down what it takes to pursue my mission. As this is one of the last action projects I will ever do, it feels fitting for it to be a plan for my future. The previous project for Endurance was a video documenting 12 hours of work on our mission. That project was more rigorous and work intensive than this one but reflecting on it helped me better understand what the work I will be doing next year will be like. Knowing that made it easier to create my survival guide. If you would like to watch my video click here. Bellow is the final product and culmination of this class and of my work as a student at GCE, I hope you enjoy.


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