My 12 Hour Project: Unfinished Work

In every person's life, each person is presented with a challenge. When faced with that challenge they must surrender or endure. For my class Endurance, we discussed and studied how others have endured challenges great and small. For our first project, each of us decided upon a mission for ourselves. The mission I set for myself was to become a better artist. For this project, we had to dedicate 12 hours to our mission and document the process. I spent my time working on one painting and it was both easier and harder than I expected it to be. I have worked on a number of paintings in my life and going into this I was already aware of the mental blocks that come with creating art.  The greatest challenge of this painting was the size and scope I set out with. With a 4x7ft canvas and 6 figures in the composition, I started to regret my ambitious planning. I am also unhappy that I was unable to finish the painting in 12 hours, though it was not a surprise. I am planning on finishing it on my own time but realistically that won't be until the summer. Next year, I am going to an art college and this project is a taste of the work I will be doing there. Even though I love creating art and although this project allowed me to do so my favorite part of this project was editing the video. Video and film making has been a hobby of mine for years now and that helped me immensely for this project. I hope you enjoy watching it as much as I enjoyed creating it.

Community Commons Music:
Pillow Talk (2016)
Amsterdam In The Spring (2018)
A Little Extra Sugar (2016)


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