The Election of 2016

This is my first action project for my humanities course, Equality. In this class, we discussed different kinds of oppression and privilege. We started by studying racism, specifically in United States history and how the way racial discrimination has evolved over time. Starting from the first slave to arrive in America in 1619 to the structural racism of today's prison system. We also talked about race bias and white privilege. In this part of the unit, we watched the Oscar-winning movie BlacKkKlansman, a well done, honest and timely film. Watching it as a part of this class was fitting for the curriculum, but it was also something that was important for us to watch even if it hadn't been in for a class. From there we shifted to the topic of sexism, gender roles, and fragile masculinity. As a class, we generally discuss these heavier topics rather well in our own way and throughout this class that was a constant pattern. However, this part of the unit on gender and sexism is where I felt that the conversations we were having were the greatest. Beyond the subject itself, I learned more from and about the people in my class. Reflecting back on it, that was the most valuable thing I took from this course. The last concept we covered was intersectionality, the way that all of the identities that a person has come together to shape their view of the world.
For this action project, we were tasked with creating a chapter of a history textbook highlighting a marginalized voice. We were to do this by interviewing someone directly connected to the event in some way and is marginalized in the mainstream. I chose to write about the 2016 election and highlighting the voice of an LGBT person who was too young to vote. The indisputable fact is that society has pushed aside and silenced LGBT people and their story is not one often told, especially in the context of a history book. That is why I decided it was so important to incorporate an LGBT voice for this project. A marginalization that was especially poinient in the 2016 election that I also wanted to touch in my project was the voice of young people, as teenagers were active and vocal throughout the campaign processes and election and continue to be but as they were unable to vote their voice was not able to turn to action and be heard. The Issuu below is the final product of all my work, I hope you enjoy.


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