Sacrificing Safety for Profit

This is my first action project for my Humanities course called Journalism. In this class we studied and discussed what journalism is, what goes into the job and how journalism is the most dangerous profession here in the US and around the world. In the current political climate where the validity of journalists and reporting is being questioned by those in power one of the most essential and fundamental elements of our nation, the free press is on the chopping block. For this project we chose an issue in our own neighborhood that we wanted to look into and write an article about it.

The building company MAC Properties is currently contracting a new 27 story luxury complex in the Chicago, Hyde Park area. The new apartment complex at at 1600 E. 53rd St has been met with a good deal of public outcry from the local residents. During a public meeting on April 13, 2017 more than 40 people showed up to voice their concerns on a number of topics. The first major being how the building might limit already limited parking, It will replace an existing parking lot that serves the Del Prado Apartments. This area, much like the rest, the neighborhood is known for incredibly limited parking as is. By discarding the pre-existing parking lot those who relied on it must look elsewhere for a parking space. It is unclear how much if any of the street around the new building will permit any parking but during construction all sidewalks and portions of the street are fenced off.

MN (2018) MAC Proporties Under Construction

The next big issue people had was the height of the structure far overshadowing all other surrounding buildings with 27 floors. A third big concern being for future living expenses in the area.

Below is a Hyde Park Herald article from April 14 2017 called “Hyde Park residents voice concerns at Antheus, MAC property” about the mentioned meeting local residents voiced their concerns:

A major issue that the current construction is causing, which the construction company is mainly to blame for is the complete loss of the north side of the sidewalk. Since nearly the start of construction in the winter of 2017-18 the sidewalk and consequently 53rd street tunnel that is the entrance to the 51st-53rd metra train station has been completely fenced off. The issue comes mostly from the fair number of locals who need that side of the sidewalk to get to the 51st-53rd station.

Initially there had been a small portion of the street that had been set up safely with a blockade that had allowed pedestrians to enter the tunnel and get to the train station without issue. However not even a week after this system had been set up the fences along the construction sight had been push up against the inside of the blockade cutting off public access entirely.

Without any controlled access to the station the only legal way to get there involves walking through the south side of the tunnel then crossing Lake Park ave then 53rd st then back over Lake Park. That adds approximately 5 minutes of walking and waiting if timed perfectly. As the people making this commute are in a rush to make their train this is impractical in all regards. This has resulted in people walking the south side of the tunnel but then jaywalking directly across 53rd. Lake Park and 53rd are the unspoken equators Hyde Park making this intersection extremely busy and jaywalking more than a little dangerous on top of illegal. There are signs placed to discourage this but they have been utterly unsuccessful.

A local resident, who for anonymity sake will be referred to as LRN said, "I think I have only ever seen one person go all the way around; I think that 99% of the people there will jaywalk. And not only that I see a number - mostly men, young men -  they'll walk down the street and then hop the fence which is not just illegal that's dangerous, I mean the whole thing is dangerous but that's really dangerous."

Hyde Park is one of the most historic neighborhoods in the city of Chicago, placed just 7 miles south of the downtown loop. Its historic significance stemming for hosting the infamous 1893 world's fair. Today it is the location of the prestigious Museum of Science and Industry as well as University of Chicago which owns the vast majority of property in Hyde Park. Hyde Park housing mostly composed of condos for purchase

MAC Properties has dedicated a full page about Hyde Park, on of just three neighborhoods in The US they work in. They boast the neighborhoods rich history and culture, the university and its campus, as well as the wide range of amenities and thuro transit system. Below this description they have a link titled ‘search chicago apartments’ MAC Properties builds and owns a number of residential and commercial properties.

As Hyde Park Housing Market is more for purchase rather than for rent despite it being the home of a major university. Other than dorms and housing provided by the university students are not able to purchase the expensive homes in the neighborhood on their own. Having a major complex with apartments for rent the market is balancing out to cater to that demographic. With new and younger coming to and staying in the area this would ideally do nothing but good for the economy.

Work Cited


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