Sacrificing Safety for Profit
This is my first action project for my Humanities course called Journalism. In this class we studied and discussed what journalism is, what goes into the job and how journalism is the most dangerous profession here in the US and around the world. In the current political climate where the validity of journalists and reporting is being questioned by those in power one of the most essential and fundamental elements of our nation, the free press is on the chopping block. For this project we chose an issue in our own neighborhood that we wanted to look into and write an article about it. The building company MAC Properties is currently contracting a new 27 story luxury complex in the Chicago, Hyde Park area. The new apartment complex at at 1600 E. 53rd St has been met with a good deal of public outcry from the local residents. During a public meeting on April 13, 2017 more than 40 people showed up to voice their concerns on a number of topics. The first major being how the building might...