Hammer v Dagenhart

This is my second action project for my Humanities class called Policy.  Policy is the course following up our other Junior humanities classes.We started with Rhetoric, where we studied methods of appealing to an audience. Next we moved to Argument where learned how to make a sound argument using premises and conclusions and the dialectic form. In this class we studied the policies of the US government, what those mean and how they are formulated. This unit was called Judicial, in which as the name suggests we studied the judicial branch of the US government. As a class we made a time line of past supreme court cases and rulings, then discussed how they connected and what precedents they set. For this action project we had to chose one of those cases to study and determine for ourselves whether the case and decision was constitutional or not. The case I chose was Hammer v Dagenhart of 1918 on child labor to determine if it infringes on the commerce clause. 


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