A Question Through Time

This is my second action project for my Humanities class called drama. This is was about reading different plays throughout history and looking at the context of the story and what we can learn from that. In this unit we read a play called A Doll's House set in Norway in the late 1800s, it is a story about a woman named Nora and a part of her marriage. For this action project we got into groups of three and write a script and then make a video acting it out. For this video I worked with MDS and KM. The video that we made had to have three characters, the first being Nora from A Doll's House, the second character had to be a historically significant person and the third and final person had to be a person acting as themselves with there own beliefs. In the video we had to have a discussion about the question "Should men & women have different roles in society?". My role in this scene was myself, MDS played the famous Carrie Fisher and KM played Nora.

A Question Through Time from MN on Vimeo.


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