Reviewing Private Ryan

This is my first and only action project for my humanities course called Ollywood. In Ollywood we learned about the history of film and the process of producing them. We had 3 sections to this class, called Pre-Production, Production, and Post-Production. In Pre-Production we learned about how to write a screenplay, location scouting, set and costume designing and a number of other jobs. In production we learned all about directing, cinematography, lighting and the the jobs of the actors. In Post-Production we learned about editing, soundtracks, and the creation of sound effects. Since this class was only 5 weeks long and we had so many topics to cover I had a hard time keeping up with all of the information that we were given. I eventually adjusted to the fast pace of this class and really enjoyed learning about the complex process of creating and reviewing a film once this happened.

For this action project we were put into groups to review a film of our choice by looking at the Pre-Production, Production, and Post-Production. I worked with AA and GS on this project to review the movie Saving Private Ryan. Although this movie wasn't my first choice, as I hadn't seen it prior to this project I am glad that I got to opportunity to see it, and it was also helpful to go into the project with fresh eyes. When it came to assigning roles I was in charge of more of the behind the scenes work as the editor, and also supplying to camera, the tripod, and bringing in and setting up my own LED umbrella lights from home. Because of this I was less vocal in the video then AA, who was in charge of writing the majority of the review of Pre and Post-Production, and GS who worked on the external research.

Sources Cited 

  1. Saving Private Ryan. Dir. Steven Spielberg. Prod. Steven Spielberg. By Robert Rodat. Perf. Tom Hanks, Edward Burns, and Tom Sizemore. DreamWorks Pictures, 1998. Netflix. 
  2.  "Saving Private Ryan Review." Total Films. Games Radar, 11 Sept. 1998. Web. 7 Dec. 2016 


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