Pollution and How to End It

This is my third and final action project for my STEAM course Fuel. In this unit we focused on the causes and effects that pollution has on our environment. For this project we focused on the pollution that we create ourselves and the different ways that individuals can help combat the problem now facing us. In this unit I learned about some specific ways to cut down on your pollution other than just turning off your lights when you leave the room or using recycled materials. Something that I had trouble with for this project was finding specific data for the action steps, but I managed to find sites with numbers related to these actions and calculate the data that I needed.

 Work Cited:

 1) CO2 emissions for shipping of goods. Time for Change. 2012. March 16, 2016 

  2) Compost vs Landfill: Does it Really Make a Difference. Home Solar PV. 2014. March 16 2016 

  3) How Green is Local Food. State of the Planet. 2012. March 16, 2016 

  4)How much can composting help to reduce my carbon footprint. The Eco Guide. July 17, 2015.   March 16, 2016 

  5) Public Transportation. American Public Transit Association. 2015. March 16, 2016 

  6) Why Composting can help Mitigate Climate Change. Linden Hills Power & Light. 2013. March 16, 2016


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