The Franco-Prussian War: Was It Just?

This is my second action project for my Humanities class called Policy. Policy is the course following up our other Junior humanities classes.We started with Rhetoric, where we studied methods of appealing to an audience. Next we moved to Argument where learned how to make a sound argument using premises and conclusions and the dialectic form. In this class we studied the policies of the US government, what those mean and how they are formulated. This Unit was called Executive, we covered the executive branch of the US government learning about their power and actions. We started covering declarations of war and although the president doesn't have that power they have and can actually do so. An example of this that we discussed in great detail was the Vietnam war. We watched the movie The Post, about the Washington Post covering the pentagon papers and defending the freedom of the press. For this action project we had to choose a war to research and through the lens of the ex...